Academy Affiliates take home State Cup championships across five states

State 16 AAs
Academy Affiliates take home State Cup championships across five states -

As the Fall 2016 youth soccer seasons wraps up, Sporting KC is proud to recognize a number of Academy Affiliate teams that found success in their various State Cup competitions. Throughout the Midwest, a total of ten affiliate teams took home State Cup championships across 5 various states: Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, & Arkansas, with another six teams reaching their respective State Cup Finals as eventual runner-ups. Below is a complete recap of these results from the past few weeks:

  • Arkansas State Cup
    • Champions: Sporting Arkansas 01G Red (U16 Girls)
    • Finalists: Sporting Arkansas 01B Fayetteville (U16 Boys); Sporting Arkansas 00B Red (U17 Boys); Sporting Arkansas 99G Red (U18 Girls)
  • Iowa State Cup
    • Champions: Sporting Iowa Academy 1 9th (U15 Girls); Sporting Iowa Academy 1 9th (U15 Boys); Sporting Iowa Academy 1 (U16 Girls); Sporting Iowa Academy 1 (U16 Boys)
    • Finalists: Sporting Iowa Academy 1 (U18 Boys)
  • Kansas State Cup
    • Champions: Sporting BV Roma 02 (U15 Girls)
    • Finalists: Sporting BV Rowdies 00 (U17 Girls)
  • Missouri State Cup
    • Champions: Sporting Springfield 02 Juventus (U15 Girls)
    • Finalists: Sporting JB Marine SC Schneider (U16 Girls)
  • Nebraska State Cup
    • Champions: Sporting Omaha FC Elite 00 (U17 Boys); Sporting Omaha FC Elite 99 (U18 Boys); Sporting Omaha FC Elite 98 (U19/20)

Sporting KC would again like to congratulate these teams for their tremendous seasons, while wishing the above State Cup Champions the best of luck as they compete in the US Youth Soccer Regional I & Region II tournaments in summer 2017. In addition to those groups, a number of other Academy Affiliate teams will hopefully be joining them at Regionals once the respective Spring 2017 State Cups conclude.

For more information on the Sporting KC’s Academy Affiliate program & the overall Sporting Club Network, click here or follow the SCN on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.