Nearly ten years ago, Adam Shirley – then in his second year as an educator – initiated the forensic science program at Shawnee Mission Northwest High School. It started with one small group of students who wanted to learn something new. The interest grew, and so did Shirley’s program. As he begins his ninth year, he’s now a full-time high school forensic science teacher and has successfully taught more than 900 students since the program’s inception.
“I always seem to find new moments where I feel proud of my contributions to my community and my students,” said Shirley. “My moments of pride usually come when I get to see my students do what they are most passionate about. Many of my students go on to do amazing things and become incredible people. I’m extremely proud when I get to see what they have become and to know I made my small contribution to them becoming who they are.”
A Kansas Citian since he was eight-years-old, Shirley received his associate degree from Kansas City Kansas Community College, followed by his bachelor’s degree at Park University. He continues to push himself and welcomes the opportunity to learn as much as he can about the subject he teaches. Shirley is currently attending graduate school classes at Emporia State University in the Master of Science and Forensic Science program.

“When I first began my career at Shawnee Mission Northwest, I had no clue what I was walking into, and I was extremely intimidated,” said Shirley. “There were adjustments to be made, and I needed to learn fast. However, the community was so embracing. Throughout everything we (educators) go through, I get to see the young people I work with learn, grow and support each other as much as they can.”

Shirley’s teaching style is simple. He loves teaching and tries his best to set up an environment where students can focus on learning. He talks with them, jokes with them, and takes an interest in whatever interests them. Shirley cares deeply about every student who walks into his classroom and will always do everything he can to show them how important and special they are to him.
“I always tell my students to be themselves,” said Shirley. “It becomes easy to fall into the trap of acting how others think you should act, or being who someone else wants you to be. But everyone needs their sense of self independence. Be the person you are. As an educator, it’s my job to teach my content of science, and I will always do my best to teach my students to be problem-solvers that can handle anything they come across. But just as importantly, I am helping shape my students into citizens of the community they are in. My students have standards of learning the science that is being taught in the classroom, but they are also following important lessons in expectations, critical thinking, and cooperation.”
The attention-to-detail and welcoming classroom environment Shirley creates stems from his time as a student teacher. While in that role, he learned the importance of being able to successfully block out all the outside noise of what was going on in the world around him and to solely focus on what was right in front of him. He’s been able to carry this approach to Shawnee Mission Northwest and has a bright future in our local community.

“Even if I may not be able to change the world, I can work on whatever is in front of me,” said Shirley. “In my career, I cannot possibly hope to control all the decisions being made around me, but I can do everything in my power to improve the lives of the students I have the opportunity of working with.”
“Adam is an incredible teacher that works extremely hard to assure that he is creating an inclusive classroom for all students,” said one of Shirley’s five nominators, MacKenzie Pheiffer. “He goes above and beyond to learn more about his students’ future aspirations and works to help them achieve their goals by doing things such as finding higher education institutions, trade schools, or internship/connections to help prepare them for their life after high school. The amount of care, effort, attention, and consideration he puts into assisting students makes Adam the teacher that every teacher should strive to be.”

“The passion Adam shows toward forensic science has been on full display his entire career,” said Christina Lively, Blue KC Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer. “Seeing him start the program from the ground up, and successfully evolve it into a full-time opportunity is a testament to his hard work, determination and commitment to what he truly believes in. Adam found an interest and used his skills and abilities to create a program for large quantities of students to learn the inner workings of forensic science. Congratulations Adam!”
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