August | Blue KC Sporting Samaritan

<img alt="" src="//" style="width: 80%;"><p>August | Blue KC Sporting Samaritan<br> Amy Thacker, 1st grade teacher at Eugene Ware Elementary School</p>

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City and Sporting KC named Amy Thacker, a first grade teacher at Eugene Ware Elementary School, the Blue KC Sporting Samaritan for the month of August.

Amy has worked in the Kansas City Kansas Public School District for nine years and just started her third year at Eugene Ware Elementary School. As noted by the school principal, Amy is an inspiration to her students, their parents and faculty. She goes above and beyond to help students achieve, from picking a student up to ensure they made it to school to coordinating the United Way campaign to raise money for local families, Amy always has her students best interest at heart.

Amy was formally recognized on the field at the Sporting KC game on August 20, 2016. To learn more about the Blue KC Sporting Samaritan program and to nominate visit