July | Blue KC Sporting Samaritan

<img alt="" src="//kansascity-mp7static.mlsdigital.net/elfinderimages/bluekcjuly.png" style="width: 75%;"><p>JULY | Blue KC Sporting Samaritan<br> Teresa Hamilton, Giving the Basics</p>

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City and Sporting KC named Teresa Hamilton, Executive Director at Giving the Basics, the Blue KC Sporting Samaritan for the month of July. With Teresa’s leadership, Giving the Basics provides personal care products for human dignity and delivers hope to children in Kansas City schools by providing free personal care hygiene items not covered by food stamps. Giving the Basics works closely with 10 school districts, 149 individual schools and 79,000 students all in need of personal care products like soap, toilet paper, shampoo, deodorant and tooth paste! Every month, in addition to the schools the Giving the Basics organization serves 65 shelters and pantries reaching 23,000 additional people in need.

Giving the Basics supplies items on an as needed basis to promote student self-esteem, prevent bullying and encourage a healthy learning environment.

To learn more about how Giving the Basics gives back to area schools click here

Teresa was formally recognized on the field at the Sporting KC game on July 3, 2016. To learn more about the Blue KC Sporting Samaritan program and to nominate visit sportingkc.com/bluekc.