MAY | Blue KC Sporting Samaritan

<img alt="" src="//" style="width: 75%;"><p>MAY | BLUE KC SPORTING SAMARITAN<br><span style="line-height: 1.6em;">Carolina&nbsp;Perez-Lozano, Fifth Grader, Quindaro Elementary School</span></p>

Carolina Perez-Lozano, a fifth grader at Quindaro Elementary School, is an exemplary student and role model for others. Academically, she is at the top of her class, consistently receiving all “A’s.” She is a member of the Character Plus program focused on student success through character development and has been nominated more than 12 times as a student that best exemplifies courage, respect, integrity and compassion.

Carolina is a member of the Young Leaders of Tomorrow group and worked on a community service project to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation. She is a member of the school’s Safety Patrol, serves as a tutor in the second-grade classroom and recently cut off more than 15 inches of her hair to donate to Locks of Love. For a fifth grader Carolina is a go-getter, leader, mentor and a perfect Blue KC Sporting Samaritan.

To learn more about the Blue KC Sporting Samaritan program and to nominate visit