
Best Night Ever

Best Night Ever -

Jimmy Nielsen has become a fan favorite for his connection with supporters at LSP

Have a great story about meeting your favorite player? A special memory from a Sporting KC match? Submit them to! Below is an email we received from Stephanie K. following Friday's game at LIVESTRONG Sporting Park...

Last Friday, I took my four children to watch Sporting play the Fire.  We had attended a game a month or so ago.  My six-year-old daughter cried on the way home because she wanted to meet Jimmy Nielsen in person.  I explained to her that it wasn't possible but she asked to try and meet him the next game.  My kids saw the players coming out of the stadium as we were driving home and noticed people waiting outside - and of course, asked to wait outside for them the next game.
Friday night, I unwillingly passed up the bus to our car to wait outside for the players.  I explained to the kids that they had just played a tough game in the heat and may just want to go home.  They rummaged my purse for a sharpie and programs for the players to sign.  And I was shocked..... Every player that came out spoke with my children and gave them autographs.  And they answered their questions.... When my daughter, Nicole, told Aurelien Collin that he was her favorite player - he genuinely thanked her and posed for a picture.  We waited until 11pm at the insistence of my six year old, Jenna.  And she got to meet Jimmy Nielsen - he was great with her.  As a single mom with four kids, it is a special treat for us to attend the games.  But Friday was extra special - according to my son "the best night ever!" especially for my Jenna.  Please extend my gratitude to the players.  I know that they were tired and just wanted to get home.  And thank you for creating this atmosphere and bringing players like these to Kansas City.